The Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe welcomes the adoption of the global oral health strategy at the 75th World Health Assembly
The Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe congratulates the WHO Member States on the adoption of the global oral health strategy at the 75th World Health Assembly last week. This landmark strategy recognises the significant burden of oral health on health systems across the world, with an estimated 3.5 billion cases of oral diseases and other oral conditions globally in 2019, and represents a crucial first step in the implementation of the WHA74.5 resolution on oral health.
The Platform also welcomes the European Union’s statement supporting the adoption of the global oral health strategy. Successful implementation of the strategy depends on strong and coordinated action from Member States, and the EU has a key role to play in facilitating this by providing guidance and direction. We reiterate our call for the European Union to work closely with the WHO Regional Office for Europe to ensure that a central coordination body drives the implementation of the WHO’s global oral health strategy through programmes in Europe and in the EU.