The Platform welcomes its new Associate Member, the European Society of Endodontology (ESE)

We are pleased to welcome the European Society of Endodontology (ESE) as the newest Associate Member of the Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe.

Since the foundation of the ESE, the Society is committed to improving the development of endodontology to benefit patients, general dentists, endodontists, educators, researchers as well as students in training, and to representing endodontology and endodontists in Europe and beyond.  The main purpose of the ESE is to become an impactful organisation in the broad field of endodontology, the areas of dental sciences focusing on health, injuries, dental pulp and periradicular region diseases as well as their relationship with general health and wellbeing at a European and global level.

The comprehensive activities of the ESE, such as the organisation of congresses and the support of research and education are governed by a General Assembly consisting of its 36 member societies, country representatives. The ESE is managed by an Executive Board, which is led by Professor Paul Dummer as President and John Whitworth as President Elect.

We look forward to a fruitful collaboration in the coming years!