The Platform submits its views on the Preliminary Opinion on Access to Health Services in the EU

The Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe has submitted comments to the European Commission on its public consultation on the Preliminary Opinion on Access to Health Services in the European Union.

Oral diseases remain a major public health problem both in Europe and worldwide. They have a mutual relationship and share common risk factors with many chronic diseases. Oral diseases have considerable negative impacts on the quality of life of populations, and oral health should be considered a human right rather than an optional extra in healthcare planning and provision.

However, access to oral healthcare services remains a major issue across the EU, particularly among vulnerable and low income groups. These individuals generally attend services less frequently than the general population. When they do attend they do so for emergency treatment when in pain, rather than for preventive care. In fact, there are rising inequalities both within Member States and across Member States in terms of access to appropriate oral care.

The Platform welcomes the opportunity to provide its input to the European Commission, and looks forward to seeing the final results of the consultation.

Click here, or below, to see the submission by the Platform.

Download our publications below

  • Response by the Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe Access to Care Consultation

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